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BYD ATTO 3 Now Available In 50+ Countries, Neta Auto Enters Central & South America – Renewable Energy

BYD ATTO 3 Now Available In 50+ Countries, Neta Auto Enters Central & South America


Electric vehicle sales are growing nicely in most of the world’s major auto markets. We regularly see coverage of all this exciting action here on CleanTechnica. Norway of course is the leader when it comes to market share, with 91.3% market share of new vehicles sales taken by EVs last month. Sweden is also recording incredible figures, with EVs taking 60.6% of new vehicles sales last month. Then, of course, we have the world’s largest vehicle market, China, also innovating at a blistering pace in accelerating the transition to electric vehicles. In terms of sales volumes, China leads with close to 800,000 EVs sold per month, and will probably breach 1 million EV sales per month in the next few months. Last month, EV sales had a share of 37%, and all signs seem to point to a share of 50% in the next few years.

China is now home to a lot of EV manufacturing firms, and consumers there have a wide selection of EV models to choose from, ranging from the tiny mini EVs to large SUVs. With hundreds of EV models to choose from, it is no wonder sales are booming there. Chinese firms have also started to explore the export market quite aggressively. One of the leaders in this space is SAIC. SAIC’s services and products are available in more than one hundred countries and regions. In 2022, SAIC Motor became China’s first automaker to sell over one million vehicles overseas. This year, SAIC is aiming to develop one “200,000 unit-level” regional markets and five “100,000 unit-level” markets overseas. It is targeting over 1.2 million sales for the year. SAIC’s EVs, such as the MG range, are a huge part of this drive. This export drive from SAIC will help get EVs to more places around the world.

BYD ATTO 3 comes to Philippines. Image courtesy of BYD.

In more exciting news, BYD recently announced that the BYD ATTO 3 is now available in more than 50 countries around the world. These markets are inclusive of regions on several continents, including in Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America. The latest market for the ATTO 3 is the Philippines, where BYD has just launched the ATTO 3 in collaboration with AC Motors. BYD says the ATTO 3 is also the first ever fully electric passenger vehicle to be sold officially in the Philippines. BYD has managed to get the ATTO 3 to all these places in quick time. The BYD Dolphin is another model that is also available in a lot of countries around the world, and the BYD Seal is now also getting to more markets.

Neta V arrives in Costa Rica. Image courtesy of Neta Auto.
Neta V arrives in Costa Rica. Image courtesy of Neta Auto.
Neta V arrives in Costa Rica. Image courtesy of Neta Auto.

Another exciting recent development is the entry of Neta Auto into the Central and South American markets, starting with Costa Rica. Neta hopes to sell over 100,000 units in over 50 countries by the end of next year. Neta makes the Neta V (now called the Neta Aya), Neta U, Neta X, Neta S, and Neta GT. Neta also has a plant in Thailand where it makes right-hand drive versions of its vehicles.

It’s great to see more EVs being introduced to more markets around the world. Consumers can only buy what is available in their markets, and therefore, as more EVs start to reach more places around the world, we will really start to see the transition gather more momentum.

Images courtesy of Neta Auto and BYD

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