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CleanTech Talk with Aimee Christensen, CEO & Total Bad*ss – Renewable Energy

CleanTech Talk with Aimee Christensen, CEO & Total Bad*ss


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On the latest episode of CleanTech Talk, I got a chance to interview a longtime hero and climate warrior, Aimee Christensen. Christensen brokered the first ever bilateral agreement on climate change between the US and another nation (Costa Rica, in 1994), and has helped build the sustainability platforms for, among others, the United Nations, Microsoft, Google, and Virgin, where she helped Sir Richard Branson develop the Carbon War Room.

Christensen thinks big, but acts locally, and this has set her on a plane of relevance that no one can contest. She is the founder of the Sun Valley Institute for Resilience and served as its Executive Director for many years, and now sits on its board. The SVIR is where Christensen took the “big ideas” around climate policy and implemented the systems thinking it requires on a local scale to help dramatically improve the local agricultural sector in Idaho, as well as providing a huge boost to its local clean energy ecosystem.

She also just came back from COP29 and shares her insights from it in this episode of CleanTech Talk. Take a listen!

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