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Cyrusher Introduces The World’s First Electric Snowboard – Renewable Energy

Cyrusher Introduces The World’s First Electric Snowboard


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File this one under things you didn’t know you needed but which look like a helluva lot of fun (snow country edition). Cyrusher, an e-bike company based in Logan, Utah, has released what is described as the world’s first of its kind, an electric snowboard. Now before you start pointing out that snowboards, being naturally gravity-powered, probably don’t need an electric motor, consider that perhaps traveling uphill or cross-country on a snowboard might be a novel way to experience winter.

The Cyrusher Ripple electric snowboard features a 3000W motor powering a knobby all-terrain tire at the rear of the board that is said to be capable of speeds up to 45 km/h (~28 mph) with range of up to 20 km (12.4 miles) on hard-packed snow. The board’s speed is controlled by a handheld remote, which offers 3 different speed settings. The Ripple weighs in at 15 kg (33 lb) and can carry a rider weighing up to 250 lb, and the company claims the motor can handle climbing slopes with a gradient of up to 20%.

“Embark on a thrilling snow adventure with the Ripple, the world’s first electric snowboard. Featuring a powerful 3000W motor, advanced V1 controller, expertly engineered suspension, and a customized professional snowboard design, the Ripple delivers high-speed excitement, precision control, and unmatched performance on the snow-covered slopes. Get ready to experience the future of snowboarding with Ripple!”

A few things to note about the Ripple before you start throwing your hard-earned dollars at Cyrusher: The battery for the Ripple is not on the board at all, rather it’s meant to be carried on the rider’s back. It does not come with bindings, although they can be added at an additional cost. And forget about switching back and forth between a powered ride and a free-ride, as while the wheel’s height can be adjusted for the the thickness of the snow and the weight of the rider, it doesn’t appear to be able to fully ‘retracted’ so as to be out of contact with the ground.

The Ripple with a single battery retails for $2499, but you can get an additional battery to enable longer rides between charging sessions, and the board comes with Cyrusher’s 2-year warranty. And if you’re not in snow country but are into water sports, Cyrusher also makes electric surfboards (no waves necessary).

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