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DHL Express South Africa Gets Volkswagen ID. Buzz Cargo Test Fleet In South Africa – Renewable Energy

DHL Express South Africa Gets Volkswagen ID. Buzz Cargo Test Fleet In South Africa


Vans are utilised in a lot of sectors. Some of the largest operators of vans are logistics and courier companies that deploy vans on last-mile delivery applications. Some of these operations could be ideal for electrification given that modern day electric vans have enough range to handle their assigned routes during the day with an overnight slow charge or even a quick top-up charge during the day, depending on how long the routes they service will be. A lot of this charging can be done at the fleet operator’s depot, allowing for a fairly comfortable transition from an ICE fleet. In the last-mile delivery sector, a lot of these deliveries will be to companies and homes all over the city, which will help increase visibility of electric vans in the cities that the vans will be deployed. Therefore, it is really great to see that one of the largest players in this space, DHL Express, is working on a pilot for electric vans in South Africa.

Specifically, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles has partnered with DHL for the pilot test of an ID. Buzz Cargo fleet in South Africa. Four ID. Buzz Cargo units will be placed at the DHL centres in Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Durban for a period of six months. The units will be utilized for a specialized last-mile courier service at these centres as part of DHL’s local pilot test of its global zero emissions logistics target. The introduction of the ID. Buzz Cargo test fleet is the first step towards the realization of Volkswagen Group South Africa’s electric vehicle strategy for the Volkswagen brand in South Africa. The test fleet will assist Volkswagen in building awareness of its electric vehicles in South Africa and obtaining learnings that are key for the brand’s electric vehicle strategy.

Thomas Milz, Director of Sales and Marketing at VWSA, said: “Our partnership with DHL Express on the ID. Buzz Cargo test fleet marks the beginning of Volkswagen’s long-term plan to gradually introduce its electric vehicles in the local market. At the end of the pilot test, we hope to have gathered sufficient information and insights on the readiness of the local market for the introduction of a commercial electric vehicle such as the ID. Buzz Cargo. We are very excited to partner with DHL who shares a similar commitment of zero emissions by 2050 in accordance with the Paris Climate Agreement.”

Jed Michaletos, Managing Director of DHL Express South Africa, said: “As the world’s leading logistics company, we have a responsibility to set an example in our industry and be a sustainability leader. DHL Express has committed to achieving zero emission by 2050 through a number of initiatives, one of which is ensuring that we have at least 60% electric vehicles for last-mile deliveries by 2030. We are excited to partner with VWSA to pilot their ID. Buzz in our South African operations.”

We will be following this pilot very closely and hope that it will help lead to bigger things for South Africa’s nascent EV sector.

Featured image courtesy of VWSA

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