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Good Things Come in Small Packages  – Renewable Energy

Good Things Come in Small Packages 


By Stuart Ungar

Enter the company Packsize and its right-sized packing solutions. Packsize takes the tech high road to analyze each item, and through the use of advanced machinery provides just enough packaging to safely ship the item in an eco-friendly way. This process saves resources and money. And it’s more sustainable.

Many of us have had the experience of getting a package and the packaging is enough to make you laugh — a small item in a box within a medium-sized box within a large box. What’s not funny, however, is the waste of resources.

Now, just stopping there may seem enough. But no, Packsize’s founder and CEO, Hanko Kiessner, saw the serious problem with air quality in Salt Lake City, Utah (where the company’s headquarters is located) and built an entire program to actively encourage EV adoption. It includes fee-free EV chargers installed at all of Packsize’s locations (and over 50 Level 2 chargers at its headquarters). It even includes assistance with the purchase or lease of an EV.

Kiessner, along with other business community leaders, also created the nonprofit Leaders for Clean Air to replicate the successes achieved at Packsize for other businesses.

I had the pleasure to speak with Britton Bettridge, director of business operations at Leaders for Clean Air, about the history of that program and its successes. It’s a short but interesting podcast episode that highlights how seemingly small actions can multiply and lead to really exciting and significant environmental change.

Tune in to Stu’s EV Universe podcast on Apple iTunes (or wherever you get your podcasts) for all the details on this inspirational company and more.

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