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Tesla Cybertruck Takes On The Ocean – Renewable Energy

Tesla Cybertruck Takes On The Ocean


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Tesla Cybertruck is currently the most anticipated vehicle of the entire automotive industry globally. Tesla showrooms are getting rushed by people waiting in lines to take a first look in real life.

With each passing day, the Cybertruck craze is growing both in the online and offline world. Tesla Cybertruck has polarized auto enthusiasts into two groups — lovers and haters — the proof is the comments section on our article that Elon Musk shared on his X (Twitter) timeline.

Now Tesla is still taking the prototypes to places and doing some more testing every day. Testing, validation, and improvement never stop for Tesla vehicles — especially if things can be fixed via over-the-air (OTA) software updates.

Recently, a couple of videos of the Cybertruck emerged on X (formerly Twitter) where the Tesla pickup truck is seen driving on a beach. Unexpectedly, the Cybertruck driver, who is most probably a Tesla employee, drove it through the salty sea water as well.

The above videos don’t exactly show if the Cybertruck was going through actual testing or if it was just a public display of the truck’s capabilities. However, it was no less impressive either way. Saltwater is a great conductor of electricity and the bottom of the Cybertruck has a super high-voltage battery pack.

According to Tesla CEO Elon Musk, the Cybertruck is built to be waterproof. He has confirmed on X (Twitter) multiple times that the Cybertruck can float for brief periods — enough to cross rivers, lakes, ponds, etc.

“Cybertruck will be waterproof enough to serve briefly as a boat, so it can cross rivers, lakes & even seas that aren’t too choppy,” Musk tweeted last year.

“Needs be able to get from Starbase to South Padre Island, which requires crossing the channel,” he added to his statement.

In another tweet last year, Musk again confirmed that the Cybertruck will be able to float. This is not the first time that we have seen a Tesla vehicle wade through water. Being a pickup truck, Cybertruck should be more capable of going through the water — and it actually is with its adjustable air suspension.

In October, Tesla took two Cybertrucks on a long off-road testing trip across the entire Baja California — from San Diego, CA to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

Keep your eyes peeled for more videos of the truck’s on- and off-roading skills.

Originally published on Tesla Oracle.

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