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This Awesome Water Capsule Should Be Electric! Oh, Wait … – Renewable Energy

This Awesome Water Capsule Should Be Electric! Oh, Wait …


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There are products that transcend markets, that pull new people into long established markets. Clearly, the products have to be different, unique, but they also have to pull on the heart strings of many people for some reason. As soon as I saw the picture below, I felt myself entering the market for a little boat. It looks so cool. It’s got coverage from the sun — but not in the old, typical way of a normal boat. It’s small and seems like it could be affordable — no need for more in order to chill on the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. (In reality, anything offshore is going to be out of my budget when dreams come ashore onto reality, but anyhow….) It somehow reminds me of old James Bond movies and the great, fun vehicles and clever tech you could find in them.

But then, as I was reading about the boat, I realized it wasn’t electric. … A non-electric boat is a definite no-go. I was so disappointed. It’s made of lightweight, carbon fiber materials to improve efficiency. It’s got fully electric docking. But it burns fossil fuels. So disappointing.

Then, I was looking for more info on the vehicle over on the website of the designer, Pierpaolo Lazzarini, and I discovered that there is an electric one! That would be the Jet Capsule ZERO:

Truthfully, this is something quickly and smoothly slipping its way onto my “hopefully I could get this one day” list.

However … it seems this is not actually for sale. On the Jet Capsule website, I don’t see anything about it. In fact, there’s not really pricing or details about buying any Jet Capsule. What you do have is this note on the contact page: “Whether you’re ready to start working with us or want to learn more about Jet Capsule, please use the contact form below to get in touch. We’d be happy to deal with you in order meet your goals.”

So, yeah, that’s all the info we have for now. I will reach out for more info, but the cost is surely not super cheap if it’s got to be custom built. With extremely low volume (if existent at all), nothing is cheap. But man, that sure is a cool little electric boat.

Images courtesy of Lazzarini Design.

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