Notice: Function WP_Block_Type_Registry::unregister was called incorrectly. Block type "core/gallery" is not registered. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 5.0.0.) in /media/home1/renewableenergy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6078

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Two Charging Companies Respond To Ford’s Adoption Of The Tesla/NACS Plug – Renewable Energy

Two Charging Companies Respond To Ford’s Adoption Of The Tesla/NACS Plug


Yesterday’s announcement that Ford’s future vehicles would be equipped with Tesla’s NACS charging connector (Supercharging port) signaled a big shift in the industry. Before the announcement, Tesla was using its plug and everyone else was using the CCS1 plug in the United States. It seemed like this would continue indefinitely, as manufacturers of both vehicles […]

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