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U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Transportation, & Transport Canada — Taking Action to Reduce Rail Sector Emissions – Renewable Energy

U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Transportation, & Transport Canada — Taking Action to Reduce Rail Sector Emissions


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Today, on the margins of COP28, United States Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm, United States Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, and Canada’s Minister of Transport, Pablo Rodriguez issued the following statement:

“The governments of the United States and Canada share a strong commitment to addressing the urgent global challenge of climate change.

“Recognizing the important role transportation plays in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the United States and Canada have created a Rail Decarbonization Task Force to develop a common vision to reduce emissions from the rail sector.

“Together, we intend to:

  • establish a joint research agenda to test the safe integration of emerging technologies, including hydrogen-powered and battery-electric locomotives;
  • coordinate strategies to accelerate the rail sector’s safe transition from diesel-powered locomotives to zero-emission technologies to ensure a net-zero rail sector by no later than 2050; and
  • collaborate on the development of a U.S.-Canada rail sector net-zero climate model by 2025.

“The new Task Force builds on our efforts to address the impact of transportation on climate, as recognized in the Joint Statement by the U.S. Department of Transportation and Transport Canada on the Nexus between Transportation and Climate Change in 2021, while also supporting our joint commitment to achieve a zero-emission vehicle future as outlined in the Roadmap for a Renewed Canada-U.S. Partnership.

“The United States and Canada recognize we need to work together to fight climate change and decarbonize our integrated rail networks. This joint announcement demonstrates our shared dedication to working together to build a more sustainable and equitable future for all. We intend to engage national partners, international organizations and other countries to promote safe and sustainable rail transportation. The decarbonization of the rail sector is a crucial component of our global efforts to reduce emissions and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.”

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