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XPeng Sales Up 245% in November – Renewable Energy

XPeng Sales Up 245% in November


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XPeng has had its ups and downs in the past couple of years, but I continue to think that it’s got some of the best electric cars in the world and some of the best tech in the world. Value for the money, XPeng can compete with anyone in the classes it sells in.

XPeng delivered 20,041 “smart” electric vehicles in November. That’s an increase of 245% over its November 2022 total. It’s also the second month that XPeng went beyond 20,000 sales. Extrapolating, that kind of monthly output puts XPeng on track for nearly a quarter-million sales a year.

Though, XPeng’s year-to-date total was just 121,486 at the end of November, because the company has grown month after month after month all year long. Every month for the past 10 months has seen higher sales than the month before.

XPeng’s G6 was a big part of the company’s success in November. “XPENG G6’s November deliveries reached 8,750 units, remaining the top-selling electric SUV model in the RMB200,000-250,000 price range.”

It’s now got another new model on the market, just unveiled in the middle of November, that aims to reap the rewards of all of XPeng’s tech innovation, the X9. Read more about it here, or see what Jo Borras and I have to say about it here:

Or, really, just look at the pictures:

XPeng also recently provided over-the-air updates for its vehicle owners. “On November 28, 2023, XPENG brought G9, G6 and P7i owners an even more advanced driving experience with the latest OTA updates delivered through its smart cockpit operating system, Xmart OS 4.4.0. As China’s first automaker to bring drivers mass-produced high-level ADAS for urban areas, XPENG has once again pioneered the domestic EV industry with the latest OTA update of its next-gen XNGP ADAS that operates independently of HD map coverage in urban areas — a feature now available in more than 20 cities across China. This marks a giant leap forward for XNGP ADAS technology, placing XPENG ahead of the industry curve.” XPeng may well be the world leader in terms of ADAS functionality and performance. But, of course, it is just focused on the Chinese market for now.

Clearly, XPeng is on the upswing again. What will December bring? How long will the company’s growth streak run? How many people will jump in and buy the X9 high-tech, futuristic, luxury minivan? Will XPeng ever bring that wicked 7-seater to the US or Europe, where it seems it would raise the bar in this category and potentially expand the market considerably? We’ll see.

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