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You Can Help Shape Tesla’s Supercharger Network – Renewable Energy

You Can Help Shape Tesla’s Supercharger Network


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Calling all Tesla enthusiasts! It’s time to rev up your engines and make a real impact on Tesla’s Supercharger network expansion! Your voice truly matters, and together, you can make a difference.

How It All Works: Your Vote Matters

Every three months, Tesla owners just like you have the incredible opportunity to influence the growth and development of our Supercharger network. You’re not limited to just one vote; you can cast multiple votes to guide the selection of new Supercharger sites across the globe.

Get Involved: It’s a Click Away

Getting involved is as easy as a few clicks. All you have to do is head over to Tesla’s Supercharger Voting Page and select up to five locations that you’d love to see transformed into the next Supercharger hotspots. Encourage your fellow Tesla enthusiasts to join in and voice their preferences too! The more, the merrier!

Vote here

Why Your Vote Packs a Punch

Let’s talk results! In the last quarter, the Tesla community chose Branson (Missouri), San Simeon (California), Kanab (Utah), and two locations in Quebec, Canada, as the top five spots in North America.

Now, keep the momentum going by voting this round.

Stay Informed

Check out the Q3 Supercharger Voting Winners Report to see which locations emerged victorious in the previous quarter.

Your participation helps Tesla make informed decisions about expanding the Supercharger network, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your needs and desires.

Article from EVANNEX.


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