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Amazon Ready To Gobble Auto Sales, Hyundai Leading In EV Charging — EV Obsession – Renewable Energy

Amazon Ready To Gobble Auto Sales, Hyundai Leading In EV Charging — EV Obsession


In case you haven’t caught wind of the hottest new show on YouTube, it’s Jo Borras and me talking about electric vehicles! Jo has decades of experience in the EV world, and even deeper history in the auto world. I’ve been covering the EV sector for more than a decade as well. While the CleanTechnica team does a fantabulous job writing about EV news, there’s always more that can be discussed on a video chat!

In the latest episode, Jo and I discussed new electric cars from China, LA Auto Show news, Mercedes-Benz EV charging hubs, and much more. Here’s the more complete list of the core topics covered and when we started talking about them in the show:

Or here’s the full video if you want to give it a listen from front to back:

Let us know what you think. We are constantly working to improve and refine the show, and plan to upgrade the visual formatting soon. Tune in and stay tuned!

Also, a big thanks to the CleanTechnica writers who initially covered these stories and made the work of talking about them that much easier.

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