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IZIVIA Putting 2,000 EV Fast Charging Stations At McDonald’s – Renewable Energy

IZIVIA Putting 2,000 EV Fast Charging Stations At McDonald’s


France is electrifying its transport quite quickly, with 20% of new vehicle sales being full electrics and 30% being plugin vehicles. Naturally, with rapid growth in EV adoption, the country needs rapid growth in EV charging infrastructure. There’s constant pressure to install new EV charging stations or see an increase in gridlock at chargers. In an effort to help keep up with the rapid pace of EV adoption, IZIVIA, a full subsidiary of EDF that is focused on e-mobility solutions, is aiming to install more than 2,000 EV fast chargers at McDonald’s restaurants across France.

The EV fast chargers will have a power rating between 150 kW and 200 kW. These will be located at 700 different stations, and you will be able to pay via bank card, an IZIVIA Pass, a badge from another operator, the IZIVIA app, or online payment. IZIVIA claims it will be competitively produced.

Notably, these 2,000+ fast chargers would “represent an increase of 25% in the existing fleet of ultra charging stations” available to the public in France.

“Our ambition: to make IZIVIA Fast the preferred ultra-fast charging network of the French with a dense network, optimal quality of service and attractive prices,” IZIVIA writes.

One thing is for sure: this massive expansion will be a big help to the EV industry and EV drivers in France. My understanding from some CleanTechnica writer road trips is that France is not the easiest country for public fast charging. IZIVIA may be the big difference maker.

Images courtesy of IZIVIA.

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