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BYD Produces Its 6 Millionth Plugin Vehicle! – Renewable Energy

BYD Produces Its 6 Millionth Plugin Vehicle!


BYD is now neck and neck with Tesla in terms of quarterly pure electric vehicle (BEV) sales, and it has long been the world leader in plugin vehicle sales. As further evidence of its position at the top of the market, the company just passed the milestone of 6 million cumulative plugin vehicles produced.

This 6 millionth BYD “new energy vehicle” (a term used in China for plugin vehicles and hydrogen vehicles) was produced at the company’s factory in Zhengzhou.

But here’s the real kicker. The 6 millionth new energy vehicle came just 3 months after the 5 millionth new energy vehicle! BYD is now producing approximately a million new energy vehicles per quarter, and it increased its cumulative output by 20% over the course of just 3 months. This is now the disruptive era.

The vehicle that got badged with the lucky number was a BAO 5 (pictured above). But it will soon be forgotten, because it won’t be long before BYD reaches 7 million new energy vehicles produced.

In October, BYD — which also includes the brands FANGCHENGBAO, DENZA, and Yangwang — reached a record 300,000 vehicles produced (all new energy vehicles for the past several months).

Notably, it seems that BYD may be counting buses in this cumulative total. The company has long been a leader in the production of electric buses as well as electric cars, and it writes: “Since 2010, BYD has been actively expanding its global presence, introducing new energy buses and taxis for public transit electrification. With a decade of dedicated efforts, BYD’s electric public transport solutions now operate in over 400 cities across more than 70 countries.”

BYD also notes its growing export and foreign production and sales business. “To expand its global footprint, BYD adopted a dual approach of exports and local production to accelerate the global presence of new energy passenger vehicles. Currently, BYD has entered 58 countries and regions, and surpassed an accumulative sale of 200,000 units of passenger vehicles, with significant victories in the new energy vehicle market in Thailand, Brazil, and other locations.”

There are two companies that stand alone in their global reach and production ramp-ups — BYD and Tesla. Tesla has just passed 5 million cumulative sales — but, of course, those are all full electrics. What I’m especially looking forward to celebrating is a third automaker reaching 5 million cumulative BEV or plugin vehicle sales.

All images courtesy of BYD.

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